
For my final after getting the feedback what I needed to change in my poster was to slightly lift the sentence placement up so it would have the same amount of space between the pins. Also I had to have a white background on my logo and change it to another place because it felt like everything was in the center therefore I changed the placement of the logo and moved it to the bottom right of the page. Another main change that needed to be made was the paragraph had to be changed to a 12 size point because it was too small and needed to be put into one text box because the spacing was off. Another change was the indentation was to subtle so I had to double the indentation. After that I had a problem with my final because the place I printed it in used really bad paper so I talked to the professor about it and he said I can change it thankfully. To conclude I learned many important aspects about type and combining a type image with type as well as organizing and laying out everything on a poster. Also what had to be the biggest and smallest thing on the poster so hierarchy. I’m very happy with my final poster I think I like the way it is laid out, it looks organized and intentional.


Week 14

Based on what was said to me last class by the professor I worked on my poster which had to be put up next class in a2 tiled. The only problem I faced was printing because the printer was taking forever. But based on the ideas that the professor told me I change my poster and felt it look better than the sketches I did last class and the main difference was intention. I feel that I got the hang of indesign by now since I used it for my poster before, even though some students were complaining so the professor gave a brief tutorial on it. After that he told us for next class we had to print an a1 sized poster and print it a day before because many people were late putting it up. He was going one by one and critiquing each poster mine was almost last. When we got to mine the changes that I had to make was changing the placement of the paragraph and sentence because the paragraphs placement was too tight. Also I had to change the sizes of the text since I was working on a2 on indesign I need to change the document size to a1 so the text wouldn’t be blown up when printed. After doing those changes I printed my a1 Poster a day before so I wouldn’t have any printer delays or problems. We then got into groups and each group was assigned a color and had to write on everyone’s poster. I had a really bad headache so I asked a classmate to talk to the professor about my poster and tell me what needed to be improved.

Week 13

Starting our next project which is the final for the whole semester. The professor started by talking to us about hierarchy. We are going to make a poster with all the pervious work we did throughout the semester, so basically we would have to put our letter,word, sentence and paragraph in one big poster. He explained that the word would be the biggest since that is the focus of the whole poster next is the sentence then paragraph and the smallest thing had to be the logo which is the letters. The work we had to come in with next class was 3 sketches of how we were going to layout everything on the word poster. For me it didn’t take long I felt it was easy because my background was clean however seeing other people’s posters who had a busy background or full of color background it was quite difficult for the sentence and paragraph to show. That class we were critiqued in groups and the professor gave us ideas on where and how to place everything. We talked about lines and direction on the poster which of course was imaginary, and from those lines it helped us organize or layout everything accordingly.


After the last crtique of our 10 type I kept getting suggestion on breaking up the paragraph in a more interesting way instead of it being a long block of text. So for my final I did 3 since I wasn’t too sure which was better to submit and after talking to Mahmoud I handed in 2 that I thought were the best. The a3 type I only did one and I actually liked how it looked. I broke up the paragraphs in an interesting way and it definitely looked a lot better than the other boring ones I kept doing. As for my A4 I started one with a block but added slight indents to make a difference it did look better than my past ones but I wasn’t entirely convinced. So I decided to do another A4 I played around with it and tried different placings also I then split it up so the first 4 paragraphs were together and the next to in another text box on another place. I read it and felt it had a nice flow to it and was happy with the result. I worked on leading but i feel by now I do have a hang of it so if I just look at it I can automatically see if it looks off or good.

Week 12

For next class we had to create 40 type which had to be 20 a3 and 20 a4. Based on what the classmates told me I decided to focus on the character length which had to be 65 average. So I split up my paragraph by character length of 65 or close to 65. After that I fixed the leading and tracking. I noticed that when you change the typeface you have to also change the leading tracking because that changes as well. Also the point size makes a difference so every time I changed the point size I had to do slight changes to the leading and tracking, mostly it was leading because my text was in arabic we had to have more space between the lines, if they were too close it was hard to read and looked off. We went into class with our 40 and had to chose 1 a4 and 1 a3 and the person next to us had to write suggestions and improvements that should be made. Also we had to discuss it with the person next to us. The professor then told us to split into groups and we had to chose the two that were critiqued and discuss them. Then we put our a3 and a4s on the table and we had to look at everyones work to have a better understanding. Next our homework was to create 10 more types and the most point that was said to me was to change the placement and break the paragraph up. For my next 10 I fixed the character length for each line to average 65, I think even though I practised a lot and not only did we do the sentences, I feel that the paragraph is harder to work with because its really long and the one I chose consisted of about 6 broken up paragraphs.

قالت دراسة بريطانية إن لا علاقة بين التعاسة واحتمال وفاة الإنسان، لافتة إلى أن الحالة المزاجية السيئة قد تدفع المرء إلى خيارات سيئة تتعلق بنمط الحياة، لكنها لا تقضي على حياته.
وذكرت بيتي ليو، التي قادت فريق الدراسة وهي من جامعة نيو ساوثويلز: “وجدنا بعد دراسة ضعف الصحة والخيارات الأخرى المتعلقة بنمط الحياة، أن الشعور بالسعادة لا يطيل في أعمارنا، كما أن الشعور بالقلق والضغط العصبي لا يزيد احتمالات الموت”.

ولتفسير العلاقة بين التعاسة واحتمال الوفاة، فحصت ليو وزملاؤها بيانات أكثر من 700 ألف امرأة في منتصف العمر، تم جمعها في أكثر من عشر سنوات، وفق ما ذكرت وكالة رويترز.

في البداية عندما كانت النساء في سن 59 عاما تقريبا، قالت 17 في المائة منهن إنهن تعيسات، وزاد ذلك الشعور لدى النساء اللاتي كن يعانين من مشاكل صحية، وخلال العشر سنوات التالية توفي نحو 31 ألف و500 سيدة، أو 4 في المائة ممن شملتهن الدراسة.

وبعد أن أخذ الباحثون في اعتبارهم مجموعة من العوامل التي قد تؤدي للوفاة مثل ارتفاع ضغط الدم والسكري والتدخين وشرب الكحوليات والربو والاكتئاب والقلق، وجدوا أن التعاسة وحدها لا ترتبط بزيادة الوفاة.

وقال الباحثون في دورية لانسيت: “التقارير السابقة عن انخفاض الوفاة المرتبط بالشعور بالسعادة، ربما يرجع إلى زيادة وفيات الأشخاص الذين يشعرون بالتعاسة بسبب حالتهم الصحية السيئة”.

Week 11

In this week since I was absent, I decided to ask the other students in my class what the professor discussed and suggested we do for our next batch of type we had to do. They told me to focus on leading since my paragraph was in arabic because my word was in arabic too therefore my paragraph had to be arabic as well and the paragraph needed to be about تعاسة or it could be the complete opposite. So I search for a paragraph and it was quite hard to find one that was based on my word. I found one and it was quite long but that was ok since it had to be a long paragraph and based on what the girls told me I implemented what they said into my work.

Final Reflection

Throughout this project I learned how to semi prefect writing this sentence, with perfect font and perfect typeface. Only because it started with just experimenting and almost every class we had a critique, we had to spot out the wrong fonts and wrong sizes and placements. Some sentences that are more horizontality aligned become alot easier to read, however when the sentences are verticals it’s hard to read it easily. Experimenting with different typefaces, all caps, small caps, justified or bold all have different appeal. An apt description is when we read it and the type has its own voice. Using all caps and bold have this yelling voice in your head, it also gives a whole different meaning to it. It’s suitable to use this when you want to emphasize and gives more importance to the info, just like what I did in one of my finals. We also learned how to break the page by using the rule of third. Using this trick easily divides the space and grounds the sentence into space rather than having it floating and looks random or unintentional.


Week 10

After we showed Law and Mahmoud our working most of use it turned out to be wrong, the composition of the sentence all of them weren’t right and I couldn’t prefect it or even do it right because it was very hard. At the beginning I was just doing it in a random way it was kind effort less, I was playing with the layout and experimenting everything. I found it a bit hard placing it on A3 because of the large space thats going to be there as if the paper is empty, because when we first started I scaled the fonts to fit the page all my intention was to fill it out using my sentence so the type size was very big.

After writing experimenting with the sentences, I asked my self some questions:

  • whats wrong?
  • Is there anything specific I should do?

Then I found out the answers of each questions, that there are techniques and plans to have the perfect composition, for example, breaking the paper into three for A3’s and into two for A4’s. I had to break the sentence into an odd number because they are the best in design, also I had to think about the alignment of the sentence.

Week 9

In this project, we had to try out all the typefaces for the sentences to see the differences between them and to know what works more and whats more suitable for the sentence. As for this week’s task we are starting to do it in Indesign.I also found out that every typeface has its own pros and cons, all of them would work but some wouldn’t be eye pleasing. We were asked to make the sentences look nice but it turned out to be wrong and it wasn’t working because we didn’t use them in proper way. I used all the typefaces that we where given because at the beginning we were supposed to make 50 A4’s and 50 A3’s so had the chance to play with most fonts that were given also played with the spacing between letters and the space between words.

Some sentences that we came up with in class are :

  • Law sits in the parking lot wearing a thimble while rapidly sewing his kind and damaged students, I advised him against it but he is haughtily and his head soars in the sky thinking he’s above everyone.
  • I advise you not to be haughty rapidly with me, I can be kind and soar at the same time As I broke my thimble in the parking lot.
  • I kindly advise you to stay in the parking lot after the rapid damage you have caused to my thimble you haughty person.
  •  I haughtily soared my car into the parking lot, ignoring any kind of advise, this action rapidly damaged the thimbles of the car.



week 8

This is the final week before we have to submit our final A2 picture of our word. I decided to go with a white fabric as wallpaper. At first I put scissors and threw some pins around and took a couple of shots but then I felt that it was a bit plain so I put in a measuring tape. I took a couple of pictures some were good and some were blurry. I looked at the pictures and realized that the measuring tape was too eye catching because it was pink so I decided to cut off the head and keep the tape part only I took more pictures and played with the layout of the items and kept moving them to see which was better. Eventually I took about a 100 pictures and opened them on my laptop. I took out the blurry ones first then I kept eliminating ones that I felt wasn’t good enough of ones where the layout wasn’t as good. I opened it on photoshop where I edited it and turned the background white because the lighting was yellow. Then I used the healing tool because there was a red thread laying on the white fabric which I didn’t see before. Also I used the healing tool to fix the fabric as there was a huge crease going through the top. After editing it I think it looks really nice and was happy to submit this as the final.